Sunday, September 23, 2007

Today has been brought to you by the letter "E"...

We took a little trip to the "Big E" today (For those of you that don't know, it's the Eastern States Exposition). Basically it's a huge Exposition with lots of People, Lots of Animals, lots of Vendors, and lots of FOOD. We were going to get a Maine baked Potato, but the line was waaaaaaaay too long and it was WAY too hot. We decided to get cheese fries and fried donuts instead (tasty and FAT FREE food. Ha! Yah right!). Here a few pics from today--- I would've taken more, but it was SO crowded. Better luck next year!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Nice blog!

We went to the big E on sat. it was lots of food..way tooo much food!